
Integração de Ofertas de Emprego

Integração via RSS Feed

A disponibilização de um RSS feed por empresas para a integração automática de ofertas de emprego oferece diversas vantagens

  • Atualização em Tempo Real: Um RSS feed permite que as vagas de emprego sejam atualizadas em tempo real. Isso significa que os candidatos têm acesso às oportunidades mais recentes assim que elas são publicadas.
  • Ampla Disseminação: Os feeds RSS podem ser facilmente integrados a diversos sites e plataformas, aumentando o alcance das ofertas de emprego para um público mais amplo.
  • Eficiência de Tempo e Recursos: Ao automatizar a divulgação de ofertas de emprego, as empresas economizam tempo e recursos que seriam gastos na publicação manual dessas informações em múltipiplos canais.
RSS Feed

Estrutura do ficheiro RSS

Podemos integrar um ficheiro RSS com qualquer estrutura, mas recomendamos a seguinte estrutura para uma melhor integração.
O ficheiro deverá conter todas as ofertas de emprego disponíveis.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<publisher>My Job</publisher>
<title><![CDATA[Marketing Content Writer & Editor]]></title>
<date><![CDATA[Sun, 29 Dec 2019 11:02:25 UTC]]></date>
<![CDATA[<p>We are looking to hire a talented Marketing Content Writer and Editor to create compelling content that will be the voice of marketing including marketing literature, product documents, web copy, social media content and more! The ideal candidate should be a creative and detail-oriented Native English Speaker with a strong writing portfolio and ability to produce content pieces that increase engagement and drive leads on all marketing platforms.</p><p><br></p><h3>Responsibilities</h3><ul> <li>Construct content strategy, guidelines and style to ensure brand voice consistency.</li> <li>Develop full-fledged social media content calendar including ideas and copy.</li> <li>Develop and update website content as needed.Write and edit all internal content including human resources department policies, internship handbooks, company handbook and other documentation as needed.</li> <li>Write all external marketing content including brochures, executive summaries, advertisements, press releases, newsletters and other documentation as needed.</li> <li>Continuously update all marketing offline and digital literature as needed.</li> <li>Review internal and external documentation content as needed.</li> <li>Work closely with Marketing team members to develop marketing campaigns and engaging ideas.</li> <li>Work closely with the Business Development department to develop and review product presentations.</li> <li>Work closely with team members from various departments to develop and review blog articles.</li> <li>Work closely with the UX department and developers to review and edit product demonstration content.</li> <li>Consistently read editorials, publications and news within the payments field to stay up to date with the industry terminology and lingo, in addition to developing a strong understanding of the target audience.</li> <li>Continuously develop content ideas and strategy to keep up to date with the latest on content development.</li> <li>Perform any other job-related duties as assigned by the Marketing management.</li> </ul><p><br></p><h3>Requirements </h3><ul> <li>Excellent command of the English language.</li> <li>Excellent creative writing and editing skills.</li> <li>Excellent in conducting research using multiple sources.</li> <li>Excellent teamwork spirit.</li> <li>Ability to write various contents on different niche and of various forms.</li> <li>Ability to work in a fast-paced environment.</li> <li>Ability to handle multiple projects concurrently.</li> <li>Effective communication and interpersonal skills.</li> <li>Highly organized and detail-oriented.</li> <li>Excellent time management skills and ability to meet deadlines.</li> <li>Proficient in Microsoft Office and Social Media platforms.</li> <li>Bachelor's degree in Communications, Marketing, English, Journalism, or related field is a plus.</li> <li>Proven content writing, copy editing, and proofreading experience is a plus.</li> <li>Knowledge of digital marketing tactics, including SEO, email marketing and web analytics is a plus.</li> </ul>]]>

Perguntas Frequentes

  • Com que frequência o Myjob lê o meu feed XML?
    O feed XML é lido a cada 4 horas, portanto não é necessário um consumo mais frequente.
  • Posso alterar a estrutura do RSS Feed?
    Alterando a estrutura do RSS Feed, a integração pode não funcionar corretamente. Recomendamos a estrutura acima descrita.
  • Que informações poderei ver nos meus relatórios?
    Irá ver estatísticas sobre os acessos, candidaturas e cliques nas ofertas de emprego.

Integração de Ofertas de Emprego

Se a sua empresa disponibiliza um RSS feed com as ofertas de emprego, pode submeter o link do RSS feed para que possamos integrar as ofertas de emprego no nosso site.

Lisboa, Portugal